Wednesday 25 June 2014

Bisphenol A - BPA

BPA (bisphenol A) is regarded as an endocrine disruptor, in other words it can stuff up your hormones. 

For those of you who requires want more info, here it is...

This paper ( ) implies that exposure to BPA (bisphenol A) can alter estrogen metabolism pretty significantly.  The paper goes on to show that BPA increases 
4-hydroxyestrogens, which is the most genotoxic of the estrogen metabolites.  
Interestingly, this study found estrogen (Estrone and Estradiol) was higher in men and women exposed to high levels of BPA, but they went on to show that higher percentages of the 
Estrone and Estradiol were metabolized to 4-hydroxyestrogens and less to the more protective 2-hydroxyestrogens.  

Exposure to a xenoestrogen (BPA), higher levels of  E2 and more 4-hydroxyestrogens is a bad mix for cancer risks.  But wait, they only found BPA in 97.3% of those they tested!  2.7% of us are just fine!  Actually, in all seriousness, the levels in the "high BPA" group were 10 times higher than the "low BPA" group.  That is a lot of BPA.  The average American (from a 2003-2004 study) showed levels of BPA right in between these two groups, so it is a concern.  Higher levels are found in those who develop cardiovascular disease, diabetes and liver enzyme abnormalities. 

This is one solution, by recycling your glass jars and using them for storing your food.

Other references:

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